Start Your ITIL® 4 Certification Journey With Our ITIL® 4 Foundation Training Course. Now £1195 + VAT Including Take2 (One Free Exam Resit) Learn more

Learn How To Control The Lifecycle Of All Changes With Change Management

Change Management Foundation

Our three-day Change Management Foundation training course will help you to learn the core change management roles, methods, frameworks, and strategies used to deliver successful change initiatives.

Our Change Management Foundation training course will provide you with the opportunity to explore approaches to managing change.

Change Management Practitioner

Our one-day Change Management Practitioner training course will teach you advanced change management strategies and be recognised as a dependable manager of organisational change.

Our Change Management Practitioner training course will build on from the knowledge learned in our three-day Change Management Foundation training course and help you to understand the practical aspects of Change Management.

Change Management Foundation & Practitioner

Our four-day Change Management Foundation & Practitioner training course will help you to develop a robust change delivery plan.

Our Change Management Foundation & Practitioner training course will provide you with the opportunity to explore approaches to managing change.

You will learn to build and grow a change management team, identify key roles, and understand the change project environment.


How Do I Choose
A Training Course?

We can create a personalised training path for you based on your job role.


Don't Just Take Our Word For It

Change Management Certifications

Change is a part of every organisation, managing change can be a challenge. These courses will teach you how individuals are affected by changes and how to plan for change.

Not only are individuals affected by change, but whole teams or departments can also be. Change can affect the culture within an organisation.

Businesses can prepare for change, and create strategies to help those that will be affected. To understand who will be affected by upcoming change, change managers must study the drivers of change and adapt strategies accordingly.

A Change Manager must effectively communicate with development, operations and many other teams to plan different changes within the organisation. They must be able to fully understand what will change and for who to make the best possible strategy to help individuals affected.